Wednesday 10 March 2010


(1) Camera being handheld created unsettled atmosphere, like its more realistic, dramatic and tensed. Camera being on tripod, makes different shots, dull and less dramatic which leads to a unrealistic atmosphere for audience to experience. Filming from a tripod does not bring out the inner feelings and emotions of the audiences reaction or the character itself playing the scene. Having it handheld gains audiences attention as if they are actually in the film and experiencing the scene.
The music and soundtrack is unusual due to the irony between the film and they music. The words in the soundtrack is very interesting and makes sense and very dramatic. If you listen properly you will understand the film and the music itself which fits together.
Such unusual soundtrack was also used in Jackie Brown, which is very cleverly which makes our one more worthwhile to watch because the soundtrack makes a good sense to the outline of the film.

(2) The character we used was from a different ethnicity, social class/ uneducated/ hoodies which is stereotypical of being a bad teenager which picks and causes trouble.
Teenage boy from a Asian background shows stereotypical on the way the character is dressed and ethnicity due to being Asian influences on being bad and not liked.
The environment though to be dangerous, rough, unclean and small. These factors showing the troubled life of a young teenagers hospitality. Also the way the character grips his hair in the film like a mad person. Which shows he is troubled and alone. Also going through harsh and hard times in his life.
Maybe being bullied or other. The use of hoodies in the production made it more negative to most of the audiences because in these modern times people believe that hoodies create a assumption in the minds of adults believing that teenagers with hoodies are bad or trouble makers. Also this stereotypical because the character is not able to approach people and people seem to be more frightened or scared of him.

(3) I believe our film would go far due to being a small independent film based on the likes of the television companies to take this and broadcast it. The small budget due to being a drama for the companies such as BBC and Channel 4 dramas.
Small films unlike big films with bigger budgets and with lots of effects which take years to produce and is more appealing to the eye of the audiences. Surreal in a way, location is edited from the original.

(4) Its a film which gives out a strong message to the troubled teenagers that are going through rough and hard, confusing problems or situations, in their troubled backgrounds.
Aimed mostly at teenagers with the likes of situations that is played and going through by our own character. Situations like this happens to all races and colour. This reflects on real life scenes such as bulling, gangs, crimes, friends going through hard times and others.

(5) The music stands out which is really appealing, and the irony between the storyline. The music itself is very catchy and clever.
They song would not be everyones' choice of song to play, however if you understand the words carefully it fits in the film generally.
Small budget means they are more surprising and clever in delivering to their audiences to what the audiences what.
Experience produces and creates a real effect to the atmosphere. Which then attracts the audiences by clipping scenes on Youtube, Newsround, adverts and billboards. But its a small budget so it more likely to attract the audiences of secondary school students.

(6) I have learnt so much such as how to operate a video camera using handheld and keeping steady so it doesn't not film as if the camera was shaking side by side. Also learnt how to operate and fix a tripod.
At first I thought this is a hard task to film something from scratch our of the ordinary with a pen and paper. However if you put your head down you do not understand how much you can produce and creative you can be.
I learnt how to edit which I never done before. We had to edit the film on Final Cut Pro which is industry standard software which was very interesting and fascinating to use. I got the hang of it after couple of trails because at first there is so many buttons to click on and you get confused, however I really enjoyed being in charge and taking control but also listening to each others viewpoint, but end of it I learnt from my mistakes.
I learnt how edit soundtracks and make them cleaner to hear and sharper, using Soundtrack Pro. I never thought I could make up my own music or edit sounds that been professionally established. But it was a good experience and I really enjoyed it.
Also I haven't ever used mini DV tapes so it was my first time and I never heard of them tapes before so it was something new to me to take in.
Finally I never blogged before which was a new experience but challenging to keep up to deadlines and requirements on

(7a) From the preliminary task I learnt how to act and use a camera at the same time for another group which was really fun. Preliminary task was way more different then the final production because the preliminary task took less time and no editing was needed. But it gave us confidence and focus to use the camera properly for the final production. Also gave us more confidence and ideas how to deliver the final piece.
Working as ground, made me learn new things of each other, listening to each others ideas it was like having more than one mind. Which was put to together to give us the final production with the help of the three minds.
(b) I believed that hand held made it more dramatic than having a tripod holding the camera at the same angle and position. But we got used to handling the camera handheld because of our preliminary task at the beginning because there was not any tripods left so we continued it on to our final productions. But the tripod keeps the film more smooth than realistic.
(c) Was really interesting because it was hard to think about where to film and what location and keeping the 180 degree rule in our mind. So we had to think about the angles and side we filmed on in different locations. However the overall performance was really good becuase everyone had kept in the mind what we had to focus on.
The match on action was delivered brilliantly and was dramatic and well done.
(d) Delievered by keeping everything smooth and in control so we don't slip behind and lose track. We kept up to date and the knowlege and experience had helped massively. The running of the film kept togther and went well. Made the film flow accurately and steadily to create and build up tension. I learnt how to edit and show the match on action really well but most of all the important rule of all the 180 degree rule was really interesting to learn.

Friday 4 December 2009

Film Sequences For My Actual Film

Our main idea for the final continuity piece is as follows.

Plot 1: (Chosen One)


The outline of Mind Control is about teenager by the name of Leroy who has a weird and somewhat insane personality. He is obsessed with murders and other devastating crimes which are published in the tabloids. If you go into his bedroom you will find articles scattered everywhere on the floor and walls of his dark and depressing room. Almost everyday he is subjected to take a knife from the kitchen draw to make him feel safe and powerful.

What the audience finds out after a short time through the film is that Leroy's uncle was a psycho murderer and was repeatedly in jail throughout his life. Three years ago, Leroy witnessed his uncle's suicide and his uncle said these words to him, "I will be with you always". When the uncle pulled the trigger of the gun which was placed on his temple, Leroy fainted and collapsed breaking his arm. Police arrive at the house where they find Leroy on the floor unconscious..later he is revived. He begins to tell the doctors and police about how his uncle died however, they ask him, "What on earth are you talking about?" and they believe that his still suffering from his fall. The policeman explains that there were no other bodies in the room except for Leroy. Leroy is left shocked and confused and begins to wonder if what he saw was true.

Later in the film, we see Leroy getting a taste for murder as he collects newspaper articles and dangerous weapons which could be used.

Finally, Leroy is unable to fight his taste for blood and murder an he begins

*The main character itself player by leroy lo was normal but ordinary and unusual kind of teenager, was really scared of the world. Like the world is watching him.
*5ft 9 he was still in its average height in his teens.
*Normal type of hoody. But afraid that someone might see his face. so always has his hoody on.
*From a Asian background going through hell in his mental mind.

*The second character played in the tunnel, big tall guy around 6ft have not been introduced until the middle of the film.
*More to come from him...his a mysterious guy

*Starts off in the small the bedroom as something is going wrong in his head.
*Follows on to the kitchen to pick out something from the cupboard.
*Enters outside
*Then enters the main streets with heavy traffic.
*Entering the subway to do something unusual. follows the steps leads him to a dark place for something to happen...

Plot: 2

Opening scene:
*walking down the corridors in the college with someone following character B.
*Character B goes home and receives anonymous phone call from character A.
*Phone calls become disturbing and violet, which shakens character B and starts panicking.
*Character B Begins to lock the windows and doors suddenly at a rush and panic. You hear the heart beat and how the tense the scene is. Getting very dark and misery.
*Then a Knock on the window with blood covered with it like someone got stabbed and need character B's help.
*Character B looks out of the window after opening the curtains
*At the end of the scene character B sees a man standing there staring at the house with a cut of head in his left-hand and a kitchen-knife on the other.
*Then suddenly the heart beats become faster n faster...then slows down but however character B wakes up from a terrible nightmare, however seeing his hand covered in blood he starts panicking and screams.

Plot of the whole story
*Normal Day at college finishing very late due to detention
*Going through the corridors at a fast pace due to the darkness.
*Getting scared
*Alone in the college getting spooked. Teacher goes away for a long time.
*Goes to find the teacher sees the teacher having some kind of fit on the floor.
*Character B tries to save the teacher, but the teacher dies.
*Trapped in the college.
*No signal on the phone. Phones switches off and don't turn on
*Teacher becomes possessed with evil spirits
*Character B goes to find the teacher but however the teacher is not there but vanished.
*Character B tries to get out of the college and tries everything but thinks its another nightmare...

Plot 3

Opening scene:
*Guy enters gym for a work-out after finishing college or something
*Guy is mid-way through work-out in gym then he receives a anonymous phone call
*He gets a phone call from a mysterious person
*Conversation continues dramatically until up to a point where guy enters a phase, the guy is creeped out/vulnerable. Before he was composed.
*Suddenly from the bloom the treadmill turns off.
*The guy gets scared.
*Lights starts flickering.
*Guy walks over to the window to look.
*(HAVE A MEDIUM LONG SHOT) of what he sees outside the window.
*Film whats outside from the window.
*Sees a person appearing outside the window
*Then suddenly look back and looks back at the window by opening his eyes then no one is there.
*Turns around slowly and someone grabs him and takes a picture on his phone and the person falls on the floor with a picture on the phone
*something has really gone wrong now...

Plot of the whole story
*Detective comes to the murder scene and take the phone as evidence. There is something mysterious of phone calls and pictures in the film.
*The film follows the detectives trying to find the killer or mysterious person in the photo the killer leaves behind after a phone call threat.
*However, the killer suspects that detectives are following him and kills their family members as a warning to the detectives to stop following him.

Plot 4

Opening scene:
*A corrupted child (aged 7) with an unloving childhood.
*Flashbacks show incidents that happened in the past of his troubled life.
*Throughout his childhood the man has been controlled by paranormal beings. (Possessed)
*As a result of this, the individual is taken away to mental hospital after abnormal behavior is detected by neighbours and passers by on regular occasions.

Plot of the whole story

*10 years later (aged 17), the individual is released from the mental hospital as he has been seen as sane to leave after many tests by doctors are performed.
*However, this is the plan of the individual as it is all an act.
*He begins possessing the minds of strangers and passers by for his own entertainment.
*The insane character then finally begins to go back to his family home (they are unaware of his release from mental hospital), and begin tormenting their lives as sort of revenge of his awful childhood.
*Many family members turn against each other as their minds are possessed.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

How Popular Horror Genre is

From the research I have found out is that the horror genre is really explosive for the human race because it strives to elicit the emotions of fear, horror and terror from viewers.
The Early horror movies that reached blockbuster and where voted for being the most meaningful horror films produced. These are largely based on classic literature of Gothic/horror genre such as:
(1) Dracula
(2) Frankenstein
(3) The Phantom of the Opera
(4) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The research shown how interesting genre horror is and how exciting is it. Stephen King is the most popular living author, and R.L. Stine's Goosebumps books are a massive hit. The love and the thrill of the genre brings alot of the whole worlds population together.
A horror film or DVD is the top choice for many people when it comes to selecting a film which is why this genre has remained a firm favourite amongst movie fans. However horror brings trill, excite but also it gets your adrenaline pumping.
One popular theory is that horror films touch on emotions that other films don't. After all what other kind of film can make you bury your head under the pillow, jump at the slightest noise or make you suddenly afraid of the dark?

People know that they can get a thrill from a horror DVD which you can't get from any other type of film. Viewers anticipate an adrenaline rush similar to the kind of felling you get before going on a big ride at an amusement park. That is one of the reasons why this genre of film is so popular because people know exactly what they're getting and they know exactly what to expect.
People also enjoy the fact that when they are watching a horror DVD they are completely detached from reality. When completely engrossed in a film and sitting on the edge of your seat, it is easy to forget everyday stresses and problems and therefore is a great way to unwind for an hour and a half. This is something you are unlikely to achieve from a light hearted film as you can probably get distracted very easily.
Perhaps the most obvious reason why horror films are so popular is because people like to watch them at Halloween. At a time when everyone is talking about ghosts, witches and unexplained occurrences, people like to put on a horror DVD and get in the spirit.

There is such a wide variety of horror films available from monster films, gory films, supernatural and slasher films so it is no surprise that there is something out there to appeal to everyone. With such an abundance of films to choose from horror films will probably always be a favourite amongst many people.

Box Office performance of Horror Genre

Consider the numbers. Last year, the studios released 23 horror movies. This year the tally will be 42, nearly double, and too often the take at the box office has been anemic, leaving studios and distributors with lots of red ink gushing through the bottom line.
Remember "The Reaping," which featured double-Oscar winner Hilary Swank as a professor tormented by the return of the Bible's 10 plagues? The film landed in theaters in April, at an official cost of $40 million, though studio sources say it was closer to $65 million. Thus far it has captured only $25 million in U.S. ticket sales. Then there is the slew of clones and sequels with such titles as "The Hitcher," "Dead Silence," "The Hills Have Eyes II," and "28 Weeks Later." At the box office, they've all underperformed, none topping $30 million. "Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror" was a real runt of the litter, earning just $25,900.

In 2008 28 horror films were released, bringing in a gross box office take in of 23.4 million. The top performer was Saw V. The horror genre had 126 sites at widest point of release from 28 films, only 5 per cent of films released in 2008 were horror though. Horror films are classified as "15" or "18".
From the figures I have found out it shows that the horror genre is extremely popular with the audience. In fact the whole world is crazy about them that's why there is huge number of horror movies coming out each and every year. Also vast number of record breaking movies with a huge turnover in the filming industry for horror genre itself.

From the picture above you can see that the comedy genre is the most popular with the audience with 140 releases grossing of £222.4 million at UK and Republic Of Ireland box office.
One of the top performing titles of 2008 was Sex and the City which is a romantic comedy and that film alone grossed £26.43 million in the UK. Which shows how popular it is.


The next most popular genre is horror with 28 releases which grossed £23.4 million at box office. The top performing title for this genre was Saw V which grossed £5,617,718.


Finally the least popular genre from all three is the thriller genre.
The amount of thriller releases was the same as horror but unfortunately it did not gross as much at box office as horror.
The thriller genre grossed £21.2 million at UK and Republic Of Ireland box office 2008. So from this figures it just shows that horror is just a bit better than the thriller industry.
The top performing title for thriller was No Country for Old Men which grossed £1,257,183.


Target Audience Questionnaire and Summary

Personal Details






1. How often do you attend the cinema per month? (Please circle answer)

(0-2) ---- (2-5) ---- (5-8) ---- (8+)

2. What is it that attracts you to watching the horror genre?
3. What makes you not want to watch a horror film?


4. What types of typical conventions do you expect to see in this type of genre?

5. What would you say if your favourite film in this genre? (Please state your reason)
6. What would you say is your least favourite film in this genre? (Please state your reason)

7. Who is your favourite actress/actor in this particular genre?


8. On what format do you prefer to watch this particular genre? (Please circle answer)

(Cinema) ---- (DVD) ---- (Online) ---- (Other)

9. What film certificate rating do you usually watch? (Please circle answer)

(U) ---- (PG) ---- (12) ---- (15) ---- (18)

Questionnaire Summary

This summary is based on a "Target Audience Questionnaire" which was given out to students of Birmingham Metropolitan College. Twenty five students filled out the questionnaire and here below is a short report explaining our findings.

According to the questionnaire, from the people asked they likely visit the cinema 0-5 times a month, with one person attending the cinema 6-8 times a month.

When asked "What attracts you to watch the horror genre?" typical answers were that they enjoyed the feeling of suspense and fear that horror movies created. A number of questionnaires said that people look for a good review of a horror before paying to see it in the cinema. A small minority of participants gave the answer nothing and they only watch horror films with friends. This is understandable as many individuals are to frightened to watch a horror movie on their own. As well as this, two of our questionnaire takers highlighted that will not watch a horror film if the actors in it are not well known or are highly rated which is a shame as many horror films have less known and low budget actors to enhance the realism of fear that the director creates.

When asked "What makes you not want to watch a horror movie?" many replies gathered were that some of the films in this genre are too gruesome and gory to watch. One participant elaborated that the 'Saw' series is too much for them to watch as the film mainly uses gore and blood to scare the viewer. As well as this, some answers replied that if the film is rated at a 15 age, then shortly the film cannot be that scary. This is a fair and interesting point which our group totally agree with as we would be put off if a horror film wasn't rated an 18. On the other hand, these 15 rated films give younger horror genre fans a chance to watch a scary movie.

When asked "What typical conventions to you expect to see in a horror film?" a great deal of answers resulted in people saying things like, blood, ghosts, spirits, violence and killing to name a few. Nevertheless, one intelligent individual replied with, "A blonde American teen girl." From this reply, we can tell that this person is a keen horror genre fan and understands that American horror films play on this 'teenage blonde girl' which is typical and main convention is American made horror films.

When asked, "What is your favourite film in this genre?", there were range of answers from 'Final Destination' as it was gory and 'Chucky' as it is both funny and scary. However, the most popular reply to this question was 'Halloween' as according to one participant..."Everything about it was scary."

According to the questionnaire, films such as Saw and Final Destination were not very popular films to watch. Some people said that Saw is overrated and is way too much for the stomach to handle due to the amount of goriness displayed in the film. As well as this, films including Final Destination and The Grudge (American Remake) were not scary at all and even made the audience laugh due to poor attempts to make the viewers scared.

When asked, "Who is your favourite actor/actress in a horror movie?" the majority voted for Kurt Russell as his role in 'The Thing' impressed a lot of people. As well as this, a great deal of people enjoyed Jack Nicolsons acting abilities in 'The Shining'.

Based on where people watch horror films, they mainly like to watch horror films in the cinema or on DVD. One person, said that he liked watching them online as it was free. However, cinema was the most popular as the all the effects are much better on a big screen with great sound.

To conclude, the majority of people who took the questionnaire like to watch 18 rated horror movies as they are the most Gorey and scary to watch.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Filming A Sequence Of A Short Film

In my group me, Lee Roy and Andrew had to make a short sequence of a film to show that we understood the 180 degree rule.
The 180 Degree - Is a guideline set in a film which we can not cross. This helps establish two characters which may be talking together without crossing the line. It also helps people not to get confused when watching a film of two characters which maybe standing.

Before making the film, I had an opportunity to get into the lime night because one of the group wanted me to play Al-Pacino. So it was really good when we watched the film over again on the projector felt very good and excited. "I was a good actor" quoted by many students in the class.

Moreover, me and my group had to come up with a short story which had to be drawn on to a storyboard and numbered in sequence. Also we where shown by my teacher how to set up a tripod and the camera.
Also each scene is simply made up of every time we click the record button on the camera and towards the time were you stop it. This was hard at first but became easier after.
The main story of the short film is basically two character: one is the victim and the other one is the bully. The bully wants the money and victim tries to pay him before getting beaten up but there is a twist in the end to make it very dramatic.

The storyboard of the short film

What didn't go so well?
However the setback we had as group was one of my group member wasn't able to come to lesson due to his exam and we couldn't use the tripod in the staircase due to health and safety act. So we had to use the camera on our hand. Which made it shaky but overall it was hard filming at a situation like that but we enjoyed it in the end.
Second day of the filming another setback due to no tripods available for my group. So had to use the camera by hand which was a bit shaky but still very good. We played the film from the start to finish and the different scenes came out very good and alot of the other groups like it.
Had comments like "its really good and I really loved how everything fits in.
All of our ideas put together to make a final short film which lasted for 1 min and 2seconds. Eventually everything looked good and we where happy as a group to hand it in.

Things to Improve on

I feel our group hasn't reached our full potential in production skills therefore, we are determined to keep practising to make our next short film excellent.

As well as this, in my opinion I feel we can introduce more shots of objects and natural everyday things that tend to happen such as, the public walking by to make the scene more realistic and in the real world and make it more dramatic and look very realistic.

Analysing the Opening Sequences of Different Films

Grudge (JU-ON 2003) Director: Takashi Shimizu

The grudge is a very dramatic and very emotional catching film. It makes the audience hold on to their eyes and breath at the same time. Very clever film and very scary.
I really enjoyed that the way the film is placed and edited. The camera angles show alot of explosive scenery and locations they got together and created it. As the film starts it indicate to the audience that, why the murder will happen again and again. Also what the audience should look at for to understand.
The opening to the film starts very intensively with black and white. It is black and white, so it can present that it was happened in the past and will happen in the future. Most of the films use the black and white to present the past too. But this film uses black and white effect with no lightening effect which makes it more horrifying.
Even it is a black and white, but the director still makes the blood so red and more realistic, therefore, it has a stronger message that the man killed the woman. It makes the scene more powerful and dramatic.
However it does not seem like the man is very innocent. But, if another people killed someone, they maybe look very mad or afraid. But ,the man did not. He looked like this is the normal thing .
The anger showed something was happening when the man stabbed the cat that was yowling.
When his little boy the son hears the sound that the man was stabbing the cat to death, the kid just hides himself afraid that as if he was next. It hints out a message that it was not the first time this had happened. This is because if it was the first time, when the kid heard some strange sound, they would be very curious and wonder what has happened or took place. But the kid in the film, just hides himself suddenly, makes u fink somethings going to jump out instantly. This makes me fink that this has happened before in the past.
In the film itself, it has some close up shot on the woman’s eye who's dead but her eyes still is open. Its shows that when she was alive, she was very scary and can not believe that what has happened in front of her. Therefore, she gasped for her life.

The opening sequence does work dramatically. It is because in those few minutes without any special camera works or any sound effect, it still can make the audience feel scared because I did and indicates in different ways that this film is a horror and very scary one to.

Panic Room(2002) Director: David Fincher

‘Panic Room’ opens by setting the scene with an establishing shot of the city. The mis en scene appears busy as there are several long shots filled with tall, old buildings built closely together, giving it a claustrophobic feel. The font featured in the opening credits is big and bold which creates a dramatic feeling of the tensed and worried feeling. Which also corresponds to the buildings. The music used is slow and low pitched which changes into more dramatic and loud music, music with a violins and clicking, which can be associated with the ticking of a clock to represent the time of the day is it and what is going to happen. These are used to create tension.
The colours used in the mis en scene and background and also the characters clothes are bland (brown and grey). The audience’s attention is drawn, as the camera focuses into the woman wearing glasses which shadows her eyes and are framed together in the centre of the shot, establishing importance over the background characters. Background characters walk past between the characters and the camera, as if the audience is following the women.
The camera cuts to a medium shot of a man standing at a door. The camera tilts up towards the man at the top of the stairs, showing dominance, which gives the impression they require his services. The man is in a white coat showing the warmth and cleanse, which contrast against the old, dirty, almost Gothic appearance of the building his standing outside towards.
As the women approaches the man, the camera cuts to a medium close up from behind the door, showing the darkness of the room inside the house and the light appearing in through the net curtain. As the others walk in, there is a close up of Jodie foster’s face, looking at the street, with an unsure look. As they walk in, a long shot shows the dark, shadowed room with all the curtains closed. As the mis en scene has changed, the white room contrasts against the woman’s black clothing which also signifies life and death and also she stands out.
There is a medium shot of her son crossing the house on his scooter, once again as if the audience is intruding. The camera follows the boys movements on his scooter around the house, showing that the mis en scene of all the other rooms match the first room we see just to represent how big and gloomy the rooms are and the house itself. Introducing the affect of having a enormous house can do to you. In the background, the man’s voice is heard, describing the house and its features. This establishes his character as an estate agent.
As the opening credits focuses on the woman in black and this particular house, we are given the impression that they both have significance in the film and the dark shadowed atmosphere foreshadows that something bad is going to happen within the house.

Scream(1996) Director: Wes Craven

Scream is a stereotypical horror film based upon the lives of teenage girls mostly on blonde's. It indicates that you may not survive if you have sex, if u drink or do drugs, or go out to investigate on a strange sound.
There is a moto to the storyline which is "The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest, any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you".
However its so stereotypical because the film is based upon a dumb blonde runs upstairs into a closet most likely, and then ultimately a gets stabbed. But tries to hide or get away from the killer but never happens. Also the things that mostly likely to happen in this film but always turns out to be the biggest mistakes which causes the lives of the characters are running out of the house, calling the police turning on the light, the female characters are intend run more than 10 feet however always tripping over a tree root then hurting themselves which then leading them getting stabbed. Also announcing your impending retirement.
The film itself begins off with negative colour to show effect which makes it dramatic and spooky. The music is diegetic because alot of their sounds are made up which create a intensive scenery and atmosphere around the characters and towards the audience watching. E.g when the killer with the mask comes into the room or getting closer to the victim the movie editors play sounds to bring the heart pumping faster. Also they cleverly used a device which is having a dramatic starting with wording in blood and creepy sound. The word 'scream' and someone screaming when the film begins implies whats the movie going to be about straight away. With the bloody title.
However, there is alot of different ways they use non-diegetic sound to make the film more realistic and seem like for the audience they are actually experiencing the movie content itself. E.g the sound of the door opening, the sound of the car approaching, sound of birds and the wildlife in the wood, also when the characters scream. Another use of example that gets the audience going which is used very effectively is the pop corns' sound effects which makes it dramatic. The popcorn starts off slowly building the tension in the room, however as the popcorn begins to expand in size the tension in the scenery increases, however when the popcorn pops and starts to flame up then the scenery reaches its climax which indicates the characters in trouble. The use of blonde victim which is stereotypical because to show that they are pretty but stupid in the same way.
The use of camera angles are literally all over the places because as the scene becomes intense alot of shots are all over the place. There is alot of visible editing and medium shot on the character. However when the scene becomes tense the camera starts dollying the character into different rooms and having rapid movements of different shots. Such as uses of medium shot to medium close up to medium long shot to show the settings and the subjects are in equal proportion.
Also when the phone starts ringing there alot of use of repetition shots on the fone and extreme close up to show the viewers who is the mystery caller, however its on withheld meaning its a private call.
The devices used which brings out the terror in viewers eyes are the use of blonde character alone in the big house middle of nowhere which it sets the scene to make it more tense. The scary voice on the phone makes you think as your in that situation talking to the mystery character. The swing moving makes you feel like like someone was there just a while ago spying on the victim or was it the wind. Makes the viewers think. However the dog starts barking indicates maybe it seen something walk past which is not meant to. Finally the crickets sounds show the peacefulness and gives a direct view that it is set in the countryside and not the city.
The use of heart beat towards the character makes you realise that the life is draining away for the victim. The speed up is the tense and the speed decreasing signifies the amount of time left till the character is dead.

The Descent(2005) 'Face Your Deepest Fear' Director: Neil Marshall

The Descent is a 2005 British horror film. The film starts off very dramatically and tensed. The film follows a group of young women who seek on a caving expedition and then gradually becoming trapped underground without them knowing until one by one fight their way to survive from the hungry flesh eating creatures. The creatures they face are form of humanoid creatures which begin to attack the women.
At the opening scene we are shown a group of friends that seem really close, because one of them say 'I meet you back at the hotel' as if they are on holiday. One of the girls has more responsibilities because she has a family, a husband and a small little girl. Also it introduces to the audiences that these women have highly paid jobs which will be at steak.
The sound that plays a immense part in the film to make it more dramatic and realistic are that you can hear the river and the girls screaming, shouting and talking this is example of diegetic sound. Non-diegetic music such as when the boat is moving. The sound that comes on when something is going to jump out.
Camera Angles in the film includes from the opening of the scene is shot as an establishing Shot showing the area, it is a far place where rivers and mountains are seen and makes it seem like to the audience are they lost or do they really know where they going?
When the friends are on the boat the camera focuses from the one character to another by using close up shots to high angle shot, this way we get to see each individual character.
When the woman is talking to her daughter we only hear their conversation because the camera is focused on the dad showing that there is something on his mind.
When the parents are talking to each once again the camera is not focused on their conversation but on the white van coming towards them. This makes the audience aware that there is going to be a car crash or something going to happen.
The credits of the movie appears really slowly however makes it more dramatic but shakening. There is black background with the credits in write, they scroll in and out. To show the significance of the darkness of the cave and what the film is about to adventure for the viewers.
All the Editing are visible and fast so, you don't get to see the parts how they get out of the car and opening of there car boot but just skip to next scene where they be at the small cottage.
We get to hear the car brakes screech which non-diegetic because the sound is to give impression that this scene is realistic. We do not see how the cars comes in the direction of the family car. Afterwards we see the front of the cars smash together and then action taking place is a visible but fast when the mental objects smash into the glass and kills child and the father. The audience doesn't see how they get killed. Mise en scene, everyone is dressed really warm, showing that it is cold outside to showing or signifying that they got winter break.

Tools Required for Textual Analysis

As follows is the basic equipment required to Analyse an opening sequence of a film:

*DVD or VHS to watch a film on a television.
*Pen and paper to note down and identify various techniques the director has used.
*Finally, laptop or computer to put my notes into a understandable and interesting paragraph to post on my blog.

When analysing the opening sequences of films I will be focusing on the following production techniques:

*Camera Angles - how they were used, the effects, what they helped portray

*Editing - was it invisible or made visible
*Special effects
*Sound - diegetic or non-diegetic, soundtrack
*Representations - how are the characters being portrayed

*Mise en scene

Introduction Into Romantic Comedy and Its Main Context

A romantic comedy is also known as 'romcom' or 'chick flick' as it is sometimes labeled as, however it aims at a female audience mostly. Also They explore ideas of gender, relationships, sexuality and status. Films which are represented in a bright and loving way to catch the audiences attention, how calm n beautiful it is. The stories are all about romance which is presented in a comedic style. Which works as it is generally considered light-hearted.

Codes and Conventions
These are the things which helps the audience identify its particular genre.
These are usually:

(1) Prologue introduction into love theme- usually romantic upbeat music and occasionally a voice over.
(2) The two main characters are introduced.
(3) Boy meets girl'.
(4) Hints that they may be a good love match
(5) Parts ways because of an argument/disagreement
(6) Ultimately reunite
(7) 'Live Happily ever after'.

Examples of a romantic comedy are:
(1) 10 Things I Hate About You
(2) Monster-In-Law
(3) The 40-year-old-virgin
(4) Bridget Jones’ Diary
(5) Love, Actually
(6) Pride and Prejudice

Typical storyline of a romantic comedy is Boy Meets Girl. They meet until something always gets in the way e.g. Grandmother, parents or mostly the father. The Male and Female are from different Backgrounds E.g. - Rich or Poor or different colour.

Light, sound and Camera angels
Light Hearted Music in background E.g. - When they meet for the first time a close up shot. More establishing shot and long shot to show the family and beautiful and colourful scenery.
The Fonts are normally more happy looking E.g. - More Fatter and Curvy
More medium shots and extreme close up on the victims face when things go out of control and the facial expressions and body language changes. More tracking for the camera to follow where the character is running off to when happy and over the moon.
Also it is more brighter and more colourful. Sets the scene with the birds singing, the sun is shining, colourful and beautiful morning. Everyone is picture perfect and no problem is going on.
More use of non- diegetic and diegetic sound to show the cheesy of some films. The music is more slow, cheerful and happy.