Sunday 15 November 2009

Introduction Into Romantic Comedy and Its Main Context

A romantic comedy is also known as 'romcom' or 'chick flick' as it is sometimes labeled as, however it aims at a female audience mostly. Also They explore ideas of gender, relationships, sexuality and status. Films which are represented in a bright and loving way to catch the audiences attention, how calm n beautiful it is. The stories are all about romance which is presented in a comedic style. Which works as it is generally considered light-hearted.

Codes and Conventions
These are the things which helps the audience identify its particular genre.
These are usually:

(1) Prologue introduction into love theme- usually romantic upbeat music and occasionally a voice over.
(2) The two main characters are introduced.
(3) Boy meets girl'.
(4) Hints that they may be a good love match
(5) Parts ways because of an argument/disagreement
(6) Ultimately reunite
(7) 'Live Happily ever after'.

Examples of a romantic comedy are:
(1) 10 Things I Hate About You
(2) Monster-In-Law
(3) The 40-year-old-virgin
(4) Bridget Jones’ Diary
(5) Love, Actually
(6) Pride and Prejudice

Typical storyline of a romantic comedy is Boy Meets Girl. They meet until something always gets in the way e.g. Grandmother, parents or mostly the father. The Male and Female are from different Backgrounds E.g. - Rich or Poor or different colour.

Light, sound and Camera angels
Light Hearted Music in background E.g. - When they meet for the first time a close up shot. More establishing shot and long shot to show the family and beautiful and colourful scenery.
The Fonts are normally more happy looking E.g. - More Fatter and Curvy
More medium shots and extreme close up on the victims face when things go out of control and the facial expressions and body language changes. More tracking for the camera to follow where the character is running off to when happy and over the moon.
Also it is more brighter and more colourful. Sets the scene with the birds singing, the sun is shining, colourful and beautiful morning. Everyone is picture perfect and no problem is going on.
More use of non- diegetic and diegetic sound to show the cheesy of some films. The music is more slow, cheerful and happy.

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