Thursday 5 November 2009

Introduction Into Horror Films and Its Main Context

Horror films brings in a new life in movies which bring another experience into the viewers life without thinking about it. They strive to draw out the emotions of fear, horror and terror from viewers. The cause of "horror" experience has often been an act of a disturbing supernatural element into everyday human life.

The plots are frequently based upon death, the supernatural or mental illness. But they also include science fiction and fantasy.However many horror movies also include a main character who is the central villain as well as a main victim who is the target.

Moreover, today's horror is one of the most popular categories of film.
However, these are some of the Suggested horrors to watch and brilliant examples of true horror movies:

(1) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(2) The Exorcist
(3) A Nightmare On Elm Street
(4) The Amity ville Horror
(5) The Descent
(6) Halloween
(7) The Evil Dead
(8) The Orphan

All About Horror Films

The types of genre you would find in a horror films are comedy, horror due to the films context, science fiction, dark, Gothic, etc

The conventions of horror:

1. Blood, death, killing, villain, haunted houses, and isolated settings, monsters, evil

2. Weapons, darkness, storms, chase sequences, gore, violence, screams, ghosts.

Settings: Large country houses and misty graveyards. Some horrors are set in a familiar suburban location e.g. high school or a suburban town whilst other have an isolated rural location.The different sub genres of horror films may appear on the surface to have little in common in their mise en scene.

Horror create fear by using atmospheric music or sound. They also use diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. This creates tension and mood, as well as a feeling of unease or uncertainty.

Some of the conventions you would notice in a horror films are:

Preliminary introduction into ordinary lifestyle so the film sets the scene makes it more dramatic. Type of bizarre murder/death just suddenly pops out and happens to open the scene and introduce to the audience what they are going to be watching through out the whole film. Just points out and hints to audience the exciting experience and what genre this film is.

Credit follow horror theme which is creepy font, title movement, horrible images/blood, weapons, dramatic violent, also dramatic sounds to bring the audiences attention

Main characters Introduced at a fast pace without a wait so the movie can approach its catchy and interesting scene so it can build up its volume and bring the inner-emotion of the audiences.

Teenage kids are always easily target also vulnerable because they are always home alone or thought to me dumb and more scared so more likely to be killed then the adult characters that are very wise.
Teenagers usually a couple with football jock boyfriend and cheerleader blonde (bimbo)girlfriend who is always the target which is just a stereotypical film theme because it hints out pretty dumb girls go for the macho male to protect them but they both end up dieing.
Mysterious phone calls which is repeated makes it more dramatic and increased the heart beat.

Family ties broken often such as: sisters killed by brother e.g Halloween lunatic brother with the mask called Micheal Myers.

Sometimes unsuccessful acts of heroism which leads to death
When victims are unprotected and when they are scared they turn to three major authority figures:
(1) Parents, especially mother
(2) The Police
(3) God

In many horror films each of these shields is presented and disposed of in turn, leaving the victim unprotected.
e.g Superhuman killer which doesn't die successfully which equals to more sequels and continuous cliff-hangers.

Camera Angles and Filming

There are a lots of jump cuts in editing, camera techniques like extreme close ups on the characters facial expressions and body movements. Also low key lighting can create a similar impression of how creepy and tense the scene or the film is.

People expect from watching horror films an excitement and a trilling adventure to experience and a sense of fear and excitement packed together, which keeps them watching non-stop.

Horror films brings out:
(1) Physical effects - adrenaline etc
(2) Intrigue/ mystery/ suspense/ problem solving
(3) Preparation for death and personal fears
(4) Communicating repressed desires

1 comment:

  1. good, but remember to change into your own words, as showing cutting and pasting doesn't gain marks!!
